examples of imaginary numbers in real life

Intuitive Arithmetic With Complex Numbers | BetterExplained.
Technical Math For Dummies - Google Books Result.
Real-life quantities which, though they're described by real numbers, are nevertheless. Here are some examples of the first kind that spring to mind.. can be thought of as the real and imaginary parts of another single complex number w = C.

The Reference Frame: Why complex numbers are fundamental in.
Sep 13, 2011. For example, the square root of -1 is called a complex number.. First of all, complex numbers (and imaginary numbers) do appear in real-world phenomena; ... Technology, Life / Arts, Culture / Recreation, Science, Other.
Yes, if you put a Real Number and an Imaginary Number together you get a new type of number called a Complex Number and here are some examples: 3 + 2i.
They should be called "duplex" numbers instead of "imaginary" numbers. .. Can you please give me some simple real life example which.
Examples of a real number is 1, 0,-1, pi, 1,000,000, 2.5, -5. An imaginary number is a number that doesn't represent a measurement in real life.
Explore the Science of Everyday Life. Click here. Complex numbers have a real and imaginary parts.. Here are some examples of what you would type here:.
Wolfram|Alpha Examples - Complex Numbers.
Subtract Two Complex Numbers - WebMath.
Question Corner -- Complex Numbers in Real Life.
examples of imaginary numbers in real life
examples of imaginary numbers in real life
What is an imaginary number? - Yahoo! Answers.Algebra II: Imaginary and Complex Numbers. - Khan Academy.
A complex number might not be a pure imaginary number.